SECT 246


Sect is a Japanese graffiti writer and member of the most important crew in Tokyo called 246— founded by Wanto. In 2004, the Tokyo native traveled across the US with writing partner WANT, and became associated with the prominent US graffiti crew MSK. The duo's exploits are chronicled in the book ‘Who am I. Where am I.’ NOE, a 246 member in Taiwan, said that they wanted to be more than just an Asian offshoot of MSK, so WANT started his own crew, 246, named after a major traffic artery in Tokyo. In order to understand Sect’s work you must go to Tokyo, the region's graff mecca and a source of so much of the styles you see in the alleyways and walls of Hong Kong, Taipei, and Seoul. Sect also writes with other well known writers such as MQ, SODUH, PEAR, RESQ, SAYM, YU, and ZOMBRA.

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